
Why should I not want Core 5?

March 8th, 2006

I found this on a Fedora Forum: Quote: Originally Posted by ImNeat: Why should I not want Core 5? One word: MONO AKA: Microsoft .NET framework infecting Linux… Looks like not everybody is a Fan of Mono yet… Anyway, I checked out Gnome 2.13.92 using Garnome and gave it a try. The default theme is […]

Toughts about Linux, Windows and Mono influence – Part III

March 5th, 2006

Hehe, nice to know the ammount of comments/reads that my two previous posts had. Got people from OpenSource movements to Microsoft coders! The sad thing, and yes I think this is related, is that someone was trying to hack my server and I had to shut it down for a while… can’t people read an […]

Toughts about Linux, Windows and Mono influence – Part II

March 4th, 2006

Well, the feedback to my first post was so fast that I decided to move on with the second part of my planed article. The fact is that I’ve used gentoo and initng but those aren’t standarts. Gentoo isn’t for the home user and if you aren’t one you should be able to tweak the […]

Toughts about Linux, Windows and Mono influence – Part I

March 4th, 2006

Each time I boot a Windows XP machine I wonder why the hell is it still faster than my tuned Linux box which only starts the needed daemons? Why does Outlook startup under 2 seconds and Evolution takes ages? And questions like that. If you ever have done a Windows Service or even look carefully […]

The future looks promising

February 20th, 2006

Every time a new Gnome or Fedora release is close to be release I get exited. This time is not different and it will carry very good news to Mono. First, Fedora Core 5 will release Mono, F-spot and Beagle. Unlike the previous versions it won’t be optimized for i386 anymore, instead it will be […]

HELP! I’m an Object Factory!

February 20th, 2006

It has been a week since my last post, I’ve been coding on ePortal WYSIWYG ASP.Net editor, like a mad man and almost had no time either to family or friends. Anyway, the progress is amazing and when the product gets released I’ll try to do some work porting it to GTK# so we can […]

The lazy sunday

February 12th, 2006

It’s amazing how difficult it is to stop working even on Sundays. Hehe. I’ve been running with some problems with my subversion repository. The most anoying one seems like a subversion bug to me. Subversion, for some unknow reason, keeps some files at an older revision – in fact the files are updated but the […]

Mailing-list VS Forum

February 9th, 2006

It is very common in the Open-source world to make use of mailinglists both for users and developers communication. The fact is almost an historic one since the old-web had almost no dinamic pages support and forums weren’t born yet (AFAIK). The fact is that when we are discussing a specific subject we wish to […]

What a wonderful GNOME!

February 7th, 2006

Well every one knows that GNOME rocks, but from a users prespective, and news reader, we could be thinking that Linux and GNOME is a step behind Microsoft, specially Vista’s effects and redenring effects.As I previously posted here comparing to Vista, Novell is working on an extension to that would allow any X application […]

XML and Global Warming

February 6th, 2006

For a long time now I’ve been thinking about the impact of XML in computer developers and global warming. In fact there isn’t a direct relationship, but here’s the point: XML is a great markup language that makes our life easier in a lot of situations. It is self described and human-readable,bla, bla, bla… but: […]

Spamers and Google

February 5th, 2006

I was just thinking… yes! I do think! And I’m not blond! LOL Just like there are web spiders searching for each and every page, so their owners can show some results on their search engines, I bet spamers have their own too. No matter how they get your email, the problem is that if […]

Good news to Monodevelop

February 3rd, 2006

While anwsering to a mailinglist discussion I come to realise that SharpDevelop license has been changed to LGPL. The change applies to SharpDevelop2 builds and forward. So, the SharpDevelop 1.x code is still GPL but if you use newer code you can use LGPL. SharpDevelop2 is currently in Beta 1 stage, but from what […]

Suse review part 2

February 1st, 2006

Well, after a while playing with Suse, the (previously) notable distro, I’ve to say I’m seriously disappointed with it. The first problem is that I can only use my pen when the pen is plugged at boot time, if I plug it after that I need to mount it in the terminal because Suse keeps […]

Suse, a notable distro

January 28th, 2006

When my girlfriend bought a new computer I thought about giving a try to Suse 10 – many had suggested it to me. So, as her name is Susan… Suse it’s a nice match One of the main reasons I has willing to try Suse is because of its nice integration with Mono and related […]

Mono and Perfomance testing

January 24th, 2006

I’ve read Miguel’s post about how a few ‘details’ can impact Mono’s performance, and of course, following some mailing list discussions about small portions of code beeing changed (System.IO and StringBuilder come to mind) which should impact the perfomance as well. So, I noticed that we have a TDD (Test Driven Development) project but we […]

Microsoft Max

January 23rd, 2006

Windows Vista and WinFX is on his way, but taking too long. Meanwhile it seems like Redmond guys are trying to tell their fans they are still alive and trying to convince us that the delay is worth. Microsoft Max is not one more Microsoft product: «Microsoft® Codename Max is not like any other product. […]

Gulp, the Google Drink

January 22nd, 2006

Maybe you already know it… «designed to maximize your surfing efficiency by making you more intelligent, and less thirsty.» «a DNA scanner embedded in the lip of your bottle reading all 3 gigabytes of your base pair genetic data in a fraction of a second, fine-tuning your individual hormonal cocktail in real time using our […]

UFO… am I missing something?

January 21st, 2006

UFO’s can have ET’s… or not. But, if the UFO uses something to protect himself and even stealth… it has ET’s then. Am I missing something? Check the articles: NewsIndia I | NewsIndia II | NewsIndia III | NewsIndia IV Are this guys for real or do they need to upgrade their brains?

Some screenshots and a video of my current project

January 20th, 2006

So, I’m working on a project called Nirvana ePortal, the objective is something like a site designer with some high-level concepts.

The current piece of work is the page designer that is done using ASP.Net, Ajax and Javascript. It is working in IE and Firefox, so, it is build using the standarts and a few IE-specific hacks.

Adventures with Ajax and ASP.Net

January 19th, 2006

Due to my new job, where I’m developing a web based ASP.Net WYSIWYG editor, I’ve been playing with several Ajax components available in the jungle out there. Until now, I found two with merit, and I’ll be using both at same time because I found that they complete each other. The point is that there […]

Back to blogging

January 17th, 2006

After a while of beeing without hosting (I tried a few) I decided to get a a cheap VPS (Virtual Private Server) and register a domain. I must say it has been a very pleasant experience, I’ve root access and can install anything in there, even Mono! Of course I’ll give it a try but […]

And the Designer gets live

November 16th, 2005

After a litle time of work, I managed to get the Centaurus Database Designer retrieving the schema from real databases, using Centaurus.Data, of course. I tested it with some databases, some very large, and it works quite well. There are only a few (drawing) bugs on relations, nothing critical. The current SVN revision has many […]

Centaurus Database Designer

November 9th, 2005

In the past 2 days I’ve started and… done nothing but it… I’ve done it using ‘pure’ Gtk Widgets and no Canvas. While the design itself was easy, making the table move and resize was even more easy except by the time it took me to figure out the right coordinates translations 😛 The relations […]

Intelligent objects

November 5th, 2005

When I was working on the code folding patch to MonoDevelop, I had curious problem. I wished that the buffer returned only the code to everything and the folded version to some internal methods I used. The problem could only be solved implementing an internal method that I invoked to return the folded version. Now, […]

Funny .Net behaviours

November 5th, 2005

Sometimes I find some curious behaviours on .Net libraries. They are, obviously, found on Mono too, because Mono tries to be 100% compatible. I believe Mono could have some success if it introduced a new branch. We have 1.1, 2.0 and a new “Pure Mono”, or something like that. The objective is simple, to create […]