
Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Is Web Storage All We Need?

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Due to a particular idea of mine I found myself in need of something I don’t believe possible today – to easily share data between desktop and web applications using the browser alone. This raised several technical, privacy and culture questions on my mind, as well as a couple suggestions of course. Many are already […]

Google to Acquire AdMob

Monday, November 9th, 2009

Today when I checked my mail I received the not so surprising news that Google was about gobble up AdMob. It’s not surprising because most Google advertising products were acquired from someone else and I was seeing a serious hole in Google’s mobile advertisement solutions. I think, as a publisher and occasional AdMob advertiser, that […]

AdSense reports in a Gadget (iGoogle and Wave)

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

I got tired of visiting the AdSense page all the time, well from time to time. I already have done an iPhone app so now I created a iGoogle gadget to display the most important stats and also a chart! So, with the help of Mono I was able to have everything setup and tested […]


Thursday, May 14th, 2009

Nowadays there are little news related to new (and really exciting) developments in search engines, natural language parsing and similar stuff. For most people, the only news related to those subjects come from new Google features or one or another project that eventually fails, like that search engine by the Wikipedia founder that was so […]