
Funny .Net behaviours

Sometimes I find some curious behaviours on .Net libraries. They are, obviously, found on Mono too, because Mono tries to be 100% compatible.

I believe Mono could have some success if it introduced a new branch. We have 1.1, 2.0 and a new “Pure Mono”, or something like that. The objective is simple, to create a stack where those that don’t bother about compatibility can have a implementation without that «curious behaviours». Plus, it would enable somethings like Ruby where we can ‘change’ the System Libraries behaviours on-the-fly.

I’ll start to publish those funny behaviours when I find them, for now enjoy this one:

DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo (path);
AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists);
Directory.CreateDirectory (path);
AssertEquals ("test#02", false, info.Exists);
info = new DirectoryInfo (path);
AssertEquals ("test#03", true, info.Exists);

This code is taken from the DirectoryInfo nunit test cases. As you can easily see, if you create a directory using an instance of DirectoryInfo, the Exists will not be updated. While this is a funny behaviour, there are no references about it either on MSDN or Monodoc.

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