Archive for the ‘iPhone’ Category
Wednesday, August 18th, 2010
So, I’ve decided to add In-App-Purchase support for one of my apps. I’ve researched about the subject a few times but it always seemed quite a bit of code for a lazy-driven project until I found a quite nice tutorial that at the bottom included a utility library that packaged everything you need to do […]
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, iPhone, Monologue, Objective C | 2 Comments »
Thursday, August 12th, 2010
I recently started a new project called libanim (home page) which aims at providing support for animated file formats on the iOS and perhaps Android at a later stage. The problem doesn’t seem to be limited to any one platform, support for animated file formats is usually limited to gif files but on some places (e.g. […]
Tags: apng, Cocoa, gif, ios, ipad, iPhone, libanim, libpng, mng, Objective C, png
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, Development, Featured, iPhone, Monologue, Objective C | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010
If you’re using the iOS 4 SDK then by default your app will be assumed to support multitasking even though you actually need to add support for it and you might not have done that (e.g. updating an old application). While multitasking seems nice it isn’t always the best scenario for your app, specially when […]
Tags: ios4, iPhone, multitasking
Posted in Apple, Featured, iPhone, Monologue, Objective C | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
One of the special enhancements Objective C adds to basic C/C++ is the ability to declare and use properties with a simple and straightforward usage. To new comers or even veteran programmers used to properties in C# or Java this is a very nice concept that saves a lot of time while keeping the code […]
Tags: iPhone, objectivec, quirks, sdk
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, Development, iPhone, Objective C | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Apple just approved the Opera Mini iPhone app, which should be available on iTunes during the next 24 hours. This is excellent news specially taking into account the recent events. In you’ve missed the demo go check it now. Edit: Some users pointed it out to me something I couldn’t believe but it’s true. The […]
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, iPhone, Mono, Monologue, Objective C | 4 Comments »
Friday, April 9th, 2010
Up until now a few solutions existed if you wanted to avoid C/Objective C to code for the iPhone and specially to achieve some code portability/compatibility with other platforms. Examples of those solutions are Unity3D, Flash CS5, MonoTouch, HaXe and other static-compiters or trans-compilers like XMLVM. As reported by several sources (e.g. this Engadget article) […]
Tags: Apple, flash, Mono, monotouch, unity3d
Posted in .Net, Apple, Cocoa, Game Development, Games, iPhone, Mono, Monologue, Objective C, Physics | 15 Comments »
Friday, November 13th, 2009
I was reading my fair share of feeds for the day and I found some links for a nice site that translates C gibberish to English like this: int (*(*foo)(void ))[3] gets translated to “declare foo as pointer to function (void) returning pointer to array 3 of int” – pretty cool on itself but what […]
Tags: blocks, gcc, gnome, llvm, objc
Posted in .Net, Apple, Cocoa, iPhone, Linux, Mono, Monologue, Objective C | 3 Comments »
Thursday, November 12th, 2009
Displaying a details view to show data after the user selects something from a table on the iPhone is pretty much the standard and it sure is useful in many cases. Fact is that it’s not always the fastest or correct way of showing details, specially if the amount of details left to show is […]
Tags: Cocoa, expand/collapse, iPhone, Objective C, Tricks, uitableview, uitableviewcell
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, Featured, iPhone, Objective C | 10 Comments »
Monday, November 9th, 2009
Today when I checked my mail I received the not so surprising news that Google was about gobble up AdMob. It’s not surprising because most Google advertising products were acquired from someone else and I was seeing a serious hole in Google’s mobile advertisement solutions. I think, as a publisher and occasional AdMob advertiser, that […]
Tags: admob, advertising, Google, iPhone
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, iPhone | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 8th, 2009
While working on a particular UISearchBar I ran into 2 little problems, both easy to fix but I thought of posting them in case someone is stuck. What I needed was to make the cancel button and the scope bar to be displayed only while editing. I believe that this should be a pretty common […]
Tags: Tricks, UISearchBar
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, Featured, iPhone, Objective C | 11 Comments »
Thursday, May 14th, 2009
Nowadays there are little news related to new (and really exciting) developments in search engines, natural language parsing and similar stuff. For most people, the only news related to those subjects come from new Google features or one or another project that eventually fails, like that search engine by the Wikipedia founder that was so […]
Tags: Google, News, Search Engines, Wikipedia, WolframAlpha
Posted in .Net, iPhone, Monologue, Objective C, Personal | No Comments »
Wednesday, May 6th, 2009
During the past week I’ve been writing a tutorial about Chipmunk, a physics engine very popular among 2D games. The article’s focus is mainly for the iPhone but the Chipmunk code itself is portable to any platform because it’s pure C. I’m thinking about giving the new preview of Monodevelop for OS X release a […]
Tags: Article, Chipmunk, Game Development, iPhone, Mono, Monodelop, Tutorial
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, Featured, Game Development, Games, I'm an Idiot, iPhone, Monologue, Objective C, Physics | 7 Comments »
Friday, March 6th, 2009
Adding a Navigation/Table View/Image Picker Controller into a UITabBarController seems to be subject of many new iPhone developers frustrations. I did have a lot of trouble figuring it out myself, but I finally did it. Here’s the correct way, fool proof I believe! To start with, add a new file, using the UIViewController template. Change […]
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, iPhone, Objective C | 5 Comments »
Thursday, November 27th, 2008
I’m fairly new to the Objective-C and it might not come as a surprise that I’m only learning it because it’s the default iPhone programming language. What geek owns an iPhone and didn’t at some point want to create its own application? Well for me it’s not just for the personal pleasure, it also my […]
Tags: Apple, iPhone, Notifications, Objective C
Posted in Apple, Cocoa, iPhone, Objective C | No Comments »