
Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0

Looks like jQuery in .Net isn’t the only news today. Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2010 and the .Net Framework 4.0.

Looks like the focus of those releases will be:

With Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.0, we are focused on the core pillars of developer experience, support for the latest platforms spanning client, server, services and devices, targeted experiences for specific application types, and core architecture improvements

There aren’t many details available about the feature we might expect, but this one seems very handy:

You can read the Microsoft press release here, an eWeek article here and a article here.

Update: Some screenshots of the new VS 2010 features.

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One Response to “Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0”

  1. Ted Kolovos says:

    I’m excited about the new framework and especially the improvements in C# and Visual Studio 2010. I’ve seen some preview videos of Visual Studio 2010 and it looks
    like they made navigating around projects quicker and easier. This is something that we spend a lot of time doing, so any improvements are great.

    Read about more .NET Framework 4.0

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