
Microsoft To Ship Open Source Package With .Net (jQuery)

A few days ago if you asked me if Microsoft would ever include an open source piece of code in one of their products, I would say you were insane just for asking! There’s no way!

Well, Microsoft is planning to amaze me along with everyone else. ASP.Net and Visual Studio will start shipping with the excellent jQuery library, unmodified and under the MIT license. By doing this, jQuery will become the preferred javascript library to hack your ASP.Net client scripting needs, will win (more complete and not community based) Visual Studio auto completion and 24×7 Microsoft customer support!

I must confess I’m really (really!) amazed and happy by this move. Specially when Microsoft is not planning to ship modified versions of jQuery but instead to «send patches just as anyone else». Looks promising!

jQuery Announcement
ScottGu’s (representing Microsoft)

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One Response to “Microsoft To Ship Open Source Package With .Net (jQuery)”

  1. This looks promising indeed! Seeing as I’m using both jQuery and ASP.NET intensively
    already, this is a very positive move for me at least.

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