
PageRankSharp – Getting the Page Rank from C# or the terminal

I was looking for a piece of code to get the Page Rank of some urls. There is a lot of code and information on the subject, the hardest part beeing the fact that Google uses the Perfect Hash algorithm in the query. I found a nice solution over here and decided to package it both as a library I can use on my project and a .exe I can use in bash scripts if needed.

Project Page & Source

If you want to use the library it’s pretty simple, all you’ve to do is to reference it and put something like this in your code:

int rank = PageRankChecker.CheckUrl("");

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3 Responses to “PageRankSharp – Getting the Page Rank from C# or the terminal”

  1. […] PageRankSharp – Getting the Page Rank from C# or the terminal … […]

  2. Woody says:

    useful package man – saved me a chunk of time 😉

  3. Craig says:

    I’m assuming this is obsolete now? I only get a -1 for every site I try.


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