
Moved Blog, New Theme

I finally got some time to move my blog to the new dedicated server. The move it self was smooth and I also upgraded to the new WordPress 2.1 which has many lovely improvements. As usual, WordPress continues to improve but it keeps upgrades and those task really simple. Noteworthy is that WordPress help and intructions about common tasks is really good. Yet there is something I did not found, but didn’t look for it much time either, that is how to setup WordPress with a non-default MySql port.

I also  installed a new theme as I was tired of the old (Ocadia) one. This one, Fleur-de-Liz remembers me of Da Vinci Code and as I really liked the book, I really think it fits me. There are two problems yet, one is that it doesn’t look to work well on IE, the other is that I really can’t get my ads to fit the layout. Yeah… I know ads are evil, bad looking and they give me a “profit”-look but this blog isn’t really about that. The reason I’ve the ads is not the extra (very few anyway) bucks/euros, its the fact that Google AdSense does a really good job (sometimes) picking the ads and sometimes they show some really cool things. I also think that Google AdSense should ad a javascript popup to allow people who own the sites to click their own ads. This is not allowed, so when I find something I wanna checkout I need to Google for it.

I plan to chenge this design a bit tofixboth the IE problems and make the ads fit. Meanwhile, please be patient… but as I knowI don’t have regular readers that no problem at all.

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