
Monologue Bug

Monologue has a bug that makes my posts to be displayed only the first time the worker process reads my feeds. I’ve tracked down the problem and I’m using this message to test my patched version, locally, and before sending the patch upstream.

The problem is that either Apache or WordPress is not sending the feed data when monologue worker’s process asks for any updates after the last cached version. This is fine and many blogs on monologue are working with this feature but Monologue was expecting that when this happens the server’s reponse should be “CACHED”. It happens that my server (apache or wordpress, I dunno) is sending simply an OK instead of CACHED.

Well, while correcting wordpress or apache looks more difficult, patching monologue makes sense for one reason. Many feeds already do some checks to the last time that client updated and then they just send an empty file meaning “no-updates”.

Monologue was deleting “my” cache file, thats why I was only displayed once. Now it only re-caches the data if there is anything in the server’s response. 😀

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One Response to “Monologue Bug”

  1. Anders says:

    I don’t
    know if this is a good place to say it, but since you mentioned monologue (that’ll teach you :) ) and I couldn’t find a contact address anywhere. The mono feed seems to be broken (and has been
    since jan 23th) in that neither firefox nor thunderbird wants to read it and feedvalidator

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