
ASP.Net AJAX (Atlas) 1.0 Released

The former Atlas project has reached the 1.0 milestone and has been released today. From the Web Site:

“ASP.NET AJAX is a free framework for quickly creating a new generation of more efficient, more interactive and highly-personalized Web experiences that work across all the most popular browsers.

With ASP.NET AJAX, you can:

  • Create next-generation interfaces with reusable AJAX components.
  • Enhance existing Web pages using powerful AJAX controls with support for all modern browsers.
  • Continue using Visual Studio 2005 to take your ASP.NET 2.0 sites to the next level.
  • Access remote services and data directly from the browser without writing a ton of complicated script.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a free framework with 24×7 technical support provided by Microsoft.”

I’ve not tested it in Mono yet, but I’ll be giving it a try very soon as the videos and features look very cool.

Check their website.

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One Response to “ASP.Net AJAX (Atlas) 1.0 Released”

  1. Kanwal says:


    Just wondering if you managed to try ASP.NET AJAX
    with Mono yet. If so, how’d it go?


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